Forum Activity for @michael

06/21/24 01:14:09AM
7,792 posts

Premium Licence Issue

Off Topic

Take a look here

That should show the sites that are operating on your license. It looks like you have 3 licenses and 4 sites. Are the other sites working?
06/20/24 06:50:32PM
7,792 posts


Design and Skin Customization

If you're talking about iframes there's a module to allow the site to be embeded:

That might be what you're after
06/19/24 12:24:11AM
7,792 posts

songs are not streaming to full length

Using Jamroom

Only when you're logged in as admin?
06/02/24 03:40:02AM
7,792 posts


Off Topic

Well done. Congratulations on your success. I'm sure they appreciate all the talents you have. Its good to be part of a good team and it sounds like you've found yours.

May your success continue!
05/26/24 09:21:01PM
7,792 posts

Confirmation emails/authentication

Using Jamroom

you're on jamroom hosting, there's a button to reset your admin login info here:
change.jpg change.jpg - 716KB
05/05/24 03:26:11PM
7,792 posts

Deleting unused modules and deprecated versions of modules

Installation and Configuration

No real reason that comes to mind other than peace of mind during the update process.

When the update process happens the new module gets copied to its -version-2.2,2 location then the main symlink for the module pointer gets changed to the new directory. From that point the old directory is not used anymore.

If you found something was broken or missing from the new version and didn't want to wait around in that state until a fix hits the marketplace keeping a version gives you an option.
05/04/24 06:10:08PM
7,792 posts

Deleting unused modules and deprecated versions of modules

Installation and Configuration

As for the old modules, there's a setting at CORE -> MARKETPLACE -> GLOBAL CONFIG -> MARKETPLACE VERSIONS of how many to keep around.

If you want to blow away everything and just keep the most current version there's a tool at DEVELOPER -> DEVELOPER TOOLS -> REBASE MODULES

That takes all the -version-2.2.2 and reverts it back to just its module name and deletes the other versions.

The first method is safer and recommended for production. The second method is useful for when you're trying to figure out the difference between files on the server vs local copies. Its hard to 'compare' files in different directories.
screenshot_20240505-100626.png screenshot_20240505-100626.png - 92KB
04/28/24 04:04:28PM
7,792 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

Developer mode is sure to be one of the issues causing your site to run slow. Turn that off for production. It causes caching to be switched off so developers can see whats happening when they change stuff without having to click RESET CACHES each time.
04/26/24 10:15:38PM
7,792 posts

Implementing SSO and authentication

Using Jamroom

Forum post works, but if you wanted something more substantial make a module for it, something that you can turn on in the ACP, even if its just a wrapper. Then add it to the marketplace either via creating a developer account and supporting it or something else. How would you want to do it?
04/26/24 10:12:15PM
7,792 posts

Suddenly very slow performance – SLOOOOOW database performace

Installation and Configuration

If optimizing your debug table took a long time, see whats in it. on my sites its almost always empty. If its filling up you might have left over debugging code in place.

Wipe out the activity log too if its big. Only really useful to help you understand whats going on at the moment. Pretty sure I've never gone back more than a month or so to see what was happening last month in the activity log.